https://www.belugapay.com CHECK OUT BELUGA PAY
http://bitcoininterest.io/ BITCOIN INTEREST FORK 22ND OF JAN
https://www.tokenpay.com?rc=1M3FI PRIVACY COIN IN ICO
https://www.coinbase.com/join/59d602254b86ae00e357e673 BUY BITCOIN HERE
https://t.me/youtubekeith MY TELEGRAM CHANNEL
https://twitter.com/officiallykeith FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER
https://www.ledgerwallet.com/r/ebbf LEDGER NANO S
More forks on the horizon, so many that it’ll make your head spin! So far Bitcoin Cash is the only decent proven fork, but it appears Bitcoin Interest could be the next big one happening on the 22nd of January.
That of course is second to Segwit 2x which is spearheaded by popular bitcoin figures like Erik Vorhees and Charlie Shrem as well a few others, but personally I’m only holding out of BCI as that has some features I really like just for hodling.
On my ICO watch today, Beluga Pay an ICO that I see as being paypal 2.0 is live and you can still bag up some bonuses if you get involved now, I think this could be a great usable service once it breaks out of Latin America and goes more western.
https://www.belugapay.com CHECK OUT BELUGA PAY
http://bitcoininterest.io/ BITCOIN INTEREST FORK 22ND OF JAN
https://www.tokenpay.com?rc=1M3FI PRIVACY COIN IN ICO
https://www.coinbase.com/join/59d602254b86ae00e357e673 BUY BITCOIN HERE
https://t.me/youtubekeith MY TELEGRAM CHANNEL
https://twitter.com/officiallykeith FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER
https://www.ledgerwallet.com/r/ebbf LEDGER NANO S
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