#Bitcoin #BCH #RogerVer
Bitcoin Cash CEO : In this AMA we are discussing BCH price and talking about Bitcoin Cash price prediction. Also, we prepared an airdrop of 100,000 BCH to giveaway for our followers. Bitcoin Cash BCH coin are here to create an open financial blockchain system for the world.
❗ Official Address: qp6fdnfcwwj7qnftl00ukudplrrqtzqges877ne505
RULES: You just need to send between 2 BCH to 1,000 BCH to the contribution address and we will immediately send you back between 20 BCH to 10,000 BCH to the address you sent it from.
✅If you send 6+ BCH, you will be airdropped 60 BCH back.
✅ If you send 50+ BCH, you will be airdropped 200+ BCH back. +20% bonus
✅ If you send 100+ BCH, you will be airdropped 1,000+ BCH back. +30% bonus
✅If you send 500+ BCH, you will be airdropped 5,000 BCH back. +50% bonus
✅ If you send 1,000+ BCH, you will be airdropped 10,000 BCH back +80% bonus
NOTE: You can do it only one time!
IMPORTANT INFO: You can use any exchange or wallet for sending your Bitcoin Cash. All persons are able to participate, including the users in the United States, Korea, Japan, China, Germany, Australia, Denmark, Canada, Singapore and absolutely all other countries. If you are late, your BCH will be instantly refunded.
Bitcoin.com & Roger Ver
Bitcoin Cash,Roger Ver,bch giveaway,Bitcoin Cash announce,Bitcoin Cash ceo
#BitcoinCash #rogerver #bitcoincash #bchgiveaway
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