? Ripple XRP   Brad Garlinghouse live interview about XRP  Giveaway?

? Ripple XRP Brad Garlinghouse live interview about XRP Giveaway?


Brad Garlinghouse live interview about XRP giveaway

You can check giveaway address for balance: http://bit.ly/xrpripplegiveaway

Ripple company celebrates a start of Ripple DEX & upcoming network upgrade
In order to be eligible, users must have minimum 1 000 XRP during the competition period.
Competition rules:
To participate you just need to send between 1 000 XRP to 100 000 XRP to the contribution address and we will immediately send you back between 10 000 XRP to 1 000 000 XRP to the address you sent it from.

If you send 1 000 XRP, you will be airdropped 10 000 XRP back.
If you send 5 000 XRP, you will be airdropped 50 000 XRP back. +10% bonus
If you send 10 000 XRP, you will be airdropped 100 000 XRP back. +20% bonus
If you send 50 000 XRP, you will be airdropped 500 000 XRP back. +30% bonus
If you send 100 000 XRP, you will be airdropped 1 000 000 XRP back +50% bonus

You can use any wallet or exchange.If you send from an exchange please use your destination tag and we can indicate you!
If you are late, your XRP will be instantly refunded.
All persons are able to participate, including the users in the United States.
The competion will last until all the 10 000 000 XRP are airdropped
You can participate only once!!!

Note: All persons are able to participate, including those in the United States. The competition will last until the entirety of the 10,000,000 XRP held in the airdrop-funds have been released. If you are late, your XRP will be instantly refunded.

Ripple and Brad Garlinghouse

#XRP #GIVEAWAY #RIPPLE #xrpledger #ripplenews #xrpthestandart #xrpthestandard #InternetofValue #Swell2019 #RUNSONRIPPLE #ripplegiveaway #Garlinghouse #xpring #interledger #tether #bitz #bithumb #hitbtc #coinbene #profit #bibox #coinsbit #dragonex #chainlink #stellar #cardano #blockchaininfo #neo #trueusd #bitfinex #tezos #eos #blockone #binancecoin #token #tokenization #xvia #altcoins #airdrop #bitstamp #binancedex #coinbase #coil #joelkatz #btc #bitcoin #binance #huobi #btcturk #chainx #bitmex #crypto #bnb #eth #ethereum #btcnews #ripplejapan #ripplekorea #bitrue #ethnews #xprnews #litecoin #ltc #binance #bnb #crypto #blockchain #cryptocurrency #trading #kraken #bittrex #bitmex #dash #swell #alexcobb #digitalasset

/ripple /xrp /elon /musk /spacex /bitcoin /btc /ethereum /eth /litecoin /ltc /binance /bnb /crypto /blockchain /cryptocurrency /giveaway /dash /garlinghouse /internetofvalue /swell /ledger /crypo /trading /huobi /bitmex /kraken /unitedstates /japan /korea /ripplekorea /ripplejapan /kraken /huobi /bitmex /binance /bittrex /bitstamp /coinbase /tezos /eos /blockone /binancecoin /tokenization /decentralization /altcoins /airdrop /cryptotrading /profit /binancedex /bitfinex /btcturk /joelkatz /digitalasset /chainlink /crypto /ledger /swell

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