restaurant city pointer coin hack by nameless

restaurant city pointer coin hack by nameless

1.)every save you gain 30 coins (better)
2.)w/out saving every 10-20 secs you gain 30 coins

Restaurant City – RC pointer coin hack
Tools you need :
1) Cheat Engine 5.5
2) Firefox or Flock
3) Flash Player 9 or 10
4) Mouse Recorder

1) Play your RC in firefox
2) Now in Cheat Engine, select firefox as process,tick hex,ASROM,value type(8 bytes)
3) Click some trees on your restaurant city until it drops a coin
1 coin will be enough
4) Scan “00000004B8684889”
5) 1 address returned. Disassemble address
6) the line mov [eax+68],ecx and click Toggle breakpoint
7) Go back to your restaurant city and click some trees again until it
freezes your game if it didn’t freeze go to redecorate save the game and
click some trees again until your game freezes
8) Now go back in Cheat Engine memory viewer,click the red colored EAX and copy its value
9) Click New Scan on CE set it to 4bytes and paste the EAX value then click first scan
10)1 or 2 addresses can be seen,copy the first address
11)Click Add address manually,type in 4bytes,click pointer
12)Paste the address you copied from step 9 to Address of pointer
and type 68 in Offset Hex, click ok
13)Change the value to 30 and check frozen
14)Go back to memory viewer the line mov [eax+68],ecx and click Toggle breakpoint
then click Debug and click Run
15)On your restaurant city click street and click decorate the building
move anything and click check,every save you will gain 30 coins
repeat this process until you are satisfied use mouse recorder if your ass is too lazy

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