The 8 Protean Principles – The Path to Getting a GOOD Job Fast

The 8 Protean Principles – The Path to Getting a GOOD Job Fast

Learn the 8 Protean Principles for THRIVING in the NEW Workplace in this segment from Jay’s award winning 5 Steps to Rapid Employment(TM) system.

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What the heck is the Protean Workplace?

A Shift to a New Transformational Workplace

The workplace has experienced a monumental shift, where employers no longer take care of employees. Today, individuals must assume full responsibility for the management of their own careers and livelihood.

The 2 key factors that have contributed to creating this new workplace are 1) technology and 2) globalization. Technology, automation, and robotics are eliminating jobs as is globalization. Freed from the shackles of communism in the early 1990’s, 1.8 billion new inductees have entered the free market system from countries once dominated by the Soviet Union. It’s not just India and China that businesses are outsourcing work to.

Protean careers

The Protean Career is a concept that requires everyone to 1) monitor and assess the job market; 2) anticipate futureProteus developments, trends, and industry shifts, 3) gain the necessary skills, qualifications, relationships, and assets to meet the shifts, and 4) adapt quickly to thrive in an ever-changing workplace. The word “Protean” comes from the Mythical Greek Sea God“Proteus,” who was best known for 1) predicting and foretelling the future and 2) his versatility and adaptability to acclimate himself to successfully meet and thrive in the future he envisioned.

In today’s transformational, constantly changing workplace, everyone must master the strengths of Proteus!

There may be limited jobs, but there are unlimited opportunities.
Today, anyone can reach out and touch 7 billion people around the globe for jobs, business opportunities, new markets.

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