http://sap.com/eaexplorer – In videos or discussions about the Internet of Things (IoT), you will hear a lot about IoT gateways. What is an IoT gateway though? And what does it do?
As a communication bridge between sensors/actors and the Internet (or Intranet), the IoT gateway is a key element in the IoT ecosystem. But there is more to it than this. This short video compares the IoT gateway with other gateways and illustrates its main features and tasks.
Related articles in SAP Enterprise Architecture Explorer:
Internet of Things – https://eaexplorer.hana.ondemand.com/_item.html?id=11495#!/overview
IoT Gateway – https://eaexplorer.hana.ondemand.com/_item.html?id=11880#!/overview
SAPUI5 – https://eaexplorer.hana.ondemand.com/_item.html?id=78#!/overview
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