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*PoST WhitePaper: http://www.VeriCoin.info/downloads/VeriCoinPoSTWhitePaper10May2015.pdf
Initially launched on May 10th, 2014, as of May 10th, 2015, VeriCoin is a Proof of Stake-Time Digital Currency that features VeriBit, VeriSend and a variable interest rate which fluctuates depending on the amount of total coins being staked as well as how long they’ve been staking.
With one second transactions, sixty second confirmations, a multitude of features such as VeriBit, VeriSend, a BIP32 Lite Android Wallet and a very user friendly Desktop Wallet, VeriCoin is a much quicker, more intuitive, more efficient Peer to Peer Digital Currency than any traditional banking system or even Crypto Currency in existence – including Bitcoin.
Developed by two Bio-Physicists and a Computer scientist from Rutgers University the Team has also obtained additional expertise in Steve Woods – a top tier C++ developer.
The end goal remains the same – to simplify otherwise complicated technology and to foster unique partnerships who have the expertise to bring VeriCoin mainstream.
*VeriCoin has weathered the initial Crypto Currency market volatility and crossed our two year anniversary on May 10th, 2016.
Proof of Stake-Time: With two years under it’s belt VeriCoin is now running on it’s own, first of it’s kind Proof of Stake protocol called Proof of Stake-Time, also known as PoST. PoST is now mature.
VeriBit: VeriBit makes it possible to spend VeriCoin wherever BitCoin is accepted. Besides BitCoin itself, VeriCoin is the most spendable Digital Currency on the market.
VeriSend: VeriSend is an optional privacy service which masks transaction data from prying eyes. It utilizes ring nodes, random transaction send amounts, and various other techniques to hide the send/receive connection from the world.
Network Stake Dependent Disinflation Targeted Interest
Proof of Stake-Time is a Blockchain protocol that features a variable interest rate which fluctuates depending on the amount of coins being staked as well as how long they’ve been staking.
As more coins are staked users earn interest relative to the network stake weight, as well as how actively they’ve been staking their coins.
This provides tremendous incentive to actively stake which, in turn, makes the network more secure. Our unique PoST protocol makes VeriCoin the most secure Proof-of-Stake Crypto Currency there is.
*Auxiliary merged mining between the currency (VeriCoin) and the commodity (Verium) up next.
VeriCoin Website: http://VeriCoin.info
VeriCoin RocketChat: https://VeriCoin.rocket.chat
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