Tezos Fundraiser Video Walkthrough

Tezos Fundraiser Video Walkthrough

This is a brief video walkthrough to help those wishing to contribute to the Tezos fundraiser. It begins on July 1st, 2017 at 6am UTC. The fundraiser FAQ is here: https://tezos.ch/pages/fundraiser-faq.html#fundraiser-faq

Here’s the link to the ShapeShift walkthrough: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7gou5hx99w4&feature=youtu.be

Here’s the full instructions in textual form:

1. Visit https://crowdfund.tezos.com after the fundraiser begins on July 1st, 2017 at 6am UTC. Make sure you type this exact address. Do not follow a link in an email or online; manually type this address into your browser. You will then go through the following steps.

2. First your browser will be checked for compatibility. Once verified, you may either continue the process online or download a static html document which you can use on an air-gapped (not connected to the Internet) computer. If you are considering making a large contribution, we strongly advise you to use the offline option and to use a brand new computer for the occasion which should be securely wiped after use.

3. You will be presented with a prompt asking for an email address and a new password. This ins’t a registration. The email and password act as a secondary safety factor to protect the wallet that will be generated on the next screen. Pick a strong but memorable password. Losing your password means you will not be able to access the XTZ which may be allocated to you. There is no way to recover your password if you forget it. Click ‘next’.

4. Your browser will generate a set of words (a “mnemonic”) representing your private key, as well as the hash of your public key. You must keep these words secure. The hash of your public key is a string of numbers and letters starting with “tz1”. You can use it to verify your contribution after you have completed the process.

5. Save your wallet, either by manually copying the mnemonic, printing it, or moving the file to a USB drive. Verify that the seed words and public hash on the webpage match your downloaded wallet. Click ‘next’.

6. Refer to the wallet number at the top of the document you just saved. Type your wallet number into the appropriate prompt and re-enter your password. Click ‘next’. If you used the offline option, you will instead have to follow a link online to continue the contribution process. You can use your regular computer for that step, as it does not leak the private key. If using the online option you will directly go to the contribution screen.

7. You may now enter your desired contribution (if using BTC it is labeled XBT). You can send a test first, and/or send from multiple wallets/exchanges over several transactions. Remember if sending with ETH you must send it with the data as indicated in your paper wallet. Initiate the transfer by clicking your chosen contribution method (if it is fiat currency you will be directed to BitcoinSuisse AG’s website and you may skip the rest of step #8). Whether contributing in Bitcoin or Ethereum, double-check that the address is correctly entered by comparing it with your paper wallet, and complete the transfer. If using ShapeShift, click the ShapeShift button and enter the type of alt you’d like to convert into XBT. The destination address automatically populates, though you should check it by clicking on Bitcoin on the conversion page. Enter a return address (an address where your alts can be sent back) in case the transaction does not go through, and enter your email address for a receipt of the transaction. Submit after double-checking everything and you are ready.

8. Once the transaction is confirmed (which will take 6 bitcoin blocks, regardless of your contribution method), you will be able to confirm receipt of your contribution by following the “receipts” link and entering the public hash listed in your wallet.

9. You’re done!

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