Hey guys, sorry totally forgot to do the LiteCoin Giveaway yesterday Sunday October 15.
I had said I’d be doing a LiteCoin Giveaway every sunday for a month. Last Sunday we did week one and yesterday was supposed to be week 2.
This past weekend here in Chicago we had over 9 inches of rain in a 24 hour period and it literally downpoured from Friday afternoon to Sunday morning. I wound up with 3 feet of water in my crawl space and on top of that my girlfriend had surgery this past weekend so she couldn’t help me and was trying to take care of her as well.
The LiteCoin Giveaway totally slipped my mind and just remembered today Monday morning here as I head out to get my coffee at about 6:30am.
I apologize for being late but here is this weeks LiteCoin Giveaway. This week you just have to drop a comment and I’m going to let Tube Buddy pick the winnner at Midnight tonight. I’ll make a video tomorrow morning announcing the winner.
You don’t have to drop anything besides a LiteCoin address but just to make it more interesting tell me a joke, tell me your favorite inspirational or motivational quote, tell me what you did this weekend, I don’t care just drop a comment saying something and include a LiteCoin address.
Again sorry for my lateness guys.
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