Carlos Matos from new york speaking at a bitconnect event, which is trying to explain that the cryptocurrency is not a scam and legit. here are some of the funnest parts plus an edit i found around the community. im thinking about making memes about this and possibly a ytp, but it would be amazing if this went viral, and i upload a lot btw so like and subscribe. other versions: beconeh waso becone wasoswasowasowaso wassup bitconnect mmm mmm no no no whats up bitconect beeconeh the bitconnect yell scream

Thanks for the support guys 🙂

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For all of my content on Bitconnect Carlos, chenk out this playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZ-2DwPoy0-tKGbGtMaJnzIJMjO7hiFkI

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