Korean government to discuss measures to tax cryptocurrency trading

정부, 가상화폐 양도•거래세 과세논의 착수…부가세는 “신중”
Now to news that might worry local virtual currency investors.
The Korean government is on the move to tax cryptocurrency transactions,… on concerns of a bubble and speculative investment.
Kim Hyesung has the details.
The Korean government is pressing ahead with plans to tax cryptocurrency transactions in the country amid concerns of a bubble.
The finance ministry has created a taskforce team made up of blockchain experts and National Tax Service officials… to discuss how to go about taxing virtual currencies like Bitcoin.
They will be looking at taxes on capital gains, income from transfers and value added tax.
For value added tax, one question is whether cryptos are classified as currencies, services or goods.
If they go with value-added, then sales of cryptocurrencies on exchanges will be subject to tax, which could create an issue of double taxation.
Transfer income tax would require personal information.
Given that virtual currencies are now traded anonymously, the taskforce will also likely discuss related laws and refer to policies from other countries.
On December 13th, the Korean government announced its main regulatory policies such as banning minors and foreigners from investing in cryptocurrencies, and a stricter identification process.
Such measures come amid the growing craze over bitcoin and concerns of cyberattacks from North Korea.
South Korea has become the world’s third largest market in bitcoin trading, after Japan and the U.S.
More than one million people in the country are believed to hold at least some Bitcoin, which is equivalent to one out of every 50 citizens.
Kim Hyesung, Arirang News.

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