3,000 Steemit Followers! How Blockchain can be used to Verify Charities Spend Properly. Red Cross.

3,000 Steemit Followers! How Blockchain can be used to Verify Charities Spend Properly. Red Cross.

First off huge thank you to the 3,099 steemit followers I now have! I just surpassed 3,000 steemit followers this morning and I feel blessed to have such a massive audience on that platform.

For instance, on YouTube I have roughly 31,500 subs on my main channel, and there is about 1,300,000,000 1.3 trillion accounts. This means roughly .0002 % of the YouTube users are subbed to my channel. On Steemit there is about 450,000 accounts, now 3100 of those follow me which is: .06% of the Steemit community is subbed to my channel. If .06% of YouTube subbed to my channel I would have: 7.8 million YouTube subscribers. So, I would say that YouTube is 100% silencing my channel and my message as I feel as is represented on many other platforms that my numbers have been intentionally held down by Google. Further evidence of this is constantly having videos memory holed for “bullying”, constant demonetization, and my own fiancee telling me that she is not notified when I go live despite having subbed to my channel and having the notifications turned on.

So huge thank you to steemit for all the follows and allowing us to organically grow no matter what our message is politically.

I also wanted to remind everyone that the “blockchain” which is a decentralized ledger system basically can be used for good like creating BitCoin which is a decentralized currency, or can be used for evil if the Federal Reserve uses blockchain technology to create a centralized and traceable therefore 100% taxable (taxation is theft) fed coin. @CorbettReport really nails it in this video / steemit article: https://steemit.com/steemit/@corbettreport/the-bitcoin-psyop

With that being said we have major issues with the Red Cross and their misuse and untrustworthy activity with funds that are meant for the helpless. So I say we demand the use of the blockchain decentralized technology for charities. That way we can have a decentralized public and open ledger for charities and their donations. If these 501C3’s want to maintain their tax free status all they have to do is show us a public blockhain record of all their transactions. This means no more pillaging the funds for bs by the Clinton Foundation and others.

The Red Cross should be forced to adopt this or lose it’s status as they are very very shady as @SGTReport shows in this video / steemit post: https://steemit.com/politics/@sgtreport/the-clintons-the-red-cross-and-boxes-of-billions-in-cash

So as I showed in my fundraiser with this post, you can document your transactions with publicly verifiable block chain transactions, just like I did and we should force these charities to do as well to ensure the money they are getting is being used properly, my example: https://steemit.com/opsafewinter/@titusfrost/opsafewinter-documenting-how-the-funds-went-from-steemit-to-the-homeless-and-to-church-in-myanmar

Also last year I held the Steemit Hater of the year award, I will be doing a video to announce the nomination post for this year soon, likely tomorrow. Last year’s award post, to give you an idea of how to nominate someone for this year: https://steemit.com/steemitplayerhatersball/@titusfrost/the-steemit-player-hater-s-ball-hater-of-the-year-2016-is

Full Show Notes On Steemit: (Link Coming Soon)

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* Twitter: @ImperatorTruth: https://twitter.com/ImperatorTruth (When I am un suspended lulz)

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* YouTube: “Titus Frost”: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDHrwVzgl-vZ14wWnN1LVjQ

* My Published Book: “The Lost Truth”: https://www.amazon.com/Lost-Truth-Dean-Fougere/dp/1502511835/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&sr=8

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* Check out my book on OpenLibrary: https://openlibrary.org/works/OL17155637W/The_Lost_

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