IOTA tutorial 5.1: Snapshot Be Prepared

IOTA tutorial 5.1: Snapshot Be Prepared

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This is part 5.1 of the IOTA tutorial.

In this video series different topics will be explained which will help you to understand IOTA.
It is recommended to watch each video sequentially as I may refer to certain IOTA topics explained earlier.

The IOTA snapshot announcement:

The website is not associated with the IOTA Foundation.

The snapshot preparation steps described in this video ONLY applies when you use the IOTA Light wallet.
When the IOTA Trinity wallet is available (it is not yet released) then do not apply these instructions!

Instructions before the snapshot:
– Log into your wallet.
– Select HISTORY.
– Write down the number of addresses.
– Write down your balance.
– Write down your last address attached to the tangle (the first 8 characters).

Instructions after the snapshot:
– Log into your wallet.
– You will see that your balance is 0.

– To see your balance again, follow these steps:
– Select RECEIVE.
– Press the button “ATTACH TO TANGLE”.
– The address is now being attached to the Tangle.
– You will see the message: “ATTACHING TO TANGLE…”
– This can take several seconds to minutes until you see the message “ADDRESS ATTACHED”.
– You now have attached address 1 to the Tangle.
– Press the button “ADDRESS ATTACHED”.
– Address 2 is created.
– The button text changes to “GENERATE NEW ADDRESS”.
– Press the button “GENERATE NEW ADDRESS”.
– Address 2 is now being attached to the Tangle.
– You will see the message: “ATTACHING TO TANGLE…”
– You now have attached 2 addresses to the Tangle.
– Keep repeating these steps until you attach the same number of addresses you had before the snapshot.
– Once you have done this, your balance and your last attached address should now be the same as before.

If you have too many addresses before the snapshot and you do not want to attach the addresses an X number of times, you can transfer your complete balance to a new wallet, but DO THIS BEFORE THE SNAPSHOT.
Step 1: Create a new seed AND safely store this seed! ***** DO NOT USE AN ONLINE SEED GENERATOR *****
Step 2: Use this new seed to log into the IOTA Light Wallet.
Step 3: In this new wallet attach an address to the Tangle and copy this address.
Step 4: In your old wallet transfer your COMPLETE balance to this new address.

After your complete balance is transferred from your old wallet to your new wallet, log into your new wallet and verify that you see the COMPLETE balance.
Follow the same “BEFORE” snapshot instructions but now using your new wallet:
– Select HISTORY.
– Write down the number of addresses.
– Write down your balance.
– Write down your last address attached to the tangle, etc.

Now after the snapshot you only need to attach an address once or just a few times, depending if you have made or receive some transactions with your new wallet.

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The presentation used in this video tutorial can be found at:

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