What The FUD? – Cryptocurrency News – Bitconnect Class Action Lawsuit Hitting YouTubers

What The FUD? – Cryptocurrency News – Bitconnect Class Action Lawsuit Hitting YouTubers

Welcome back to What The FUD? This is your daily cryptocurrency news round up as we take a look at the crypto market. Every day we look through news articles talking about altcoins and bitcoin as we get a feel for the cryptocurrency market as a whole.

The big news out of Japan as their big exchange Coincheck was hacked to the tune of more than $400 million of NEM. This is one of the biggest hacks if not the biggest in Crypto history. The CEO of Coincheck has stated that they will be reimbursing owners of NEM.

Also, Florida state is executing a class action lawsuit against Bitconnect for fraud.

Article Links:

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ICOAlert: https://www.icoalert.com/

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