What Is Cryptocurrency? | How to Make Money with Bitcoin [2018]

What Is Cryptocurrency? | How to Make Money with Bitcoin [2018]

A lot of people are asking me, what is Bitcoin, what is cryptocurrency, how do you trade it? Subscribe here to get INSTANT alerts when I post a new video outlining my penny stock trading techniques: https://goo.gl/poGZTm

For me, I like trading Bitcoin in cryptocurrency related stocks. I’ve been trading stocks for two decades; I’m going to stick with what I know. I love reputable brokers.

The problem with Bitcoin and cryptocurrency is that you need to create some crazy accounts with some crazy companies, and it’s all very questionable. I like trading with E-Trade, I love trading my stocks that still move up and down based on Bitcoin and cryptocurrency prices.

The past few weeks, the past few months have been insane for Bitcoin and cryptocurrency related stocks. They follow the same exact patterns that I’ve been trading for the past two decades and now been teaching for the past decade.

Again, if you want to learn all of these patterns, click the link just below this video. Go apply to be my next millionaire student. Also, leave a comment if you’re going to be dedicated because the key to trading Bitcoin and cryptocurrency related stocks, and any hot sector, is being committed.

Looking at this as a marathon, not a sprint, and understanding that while Bitcoin and cryptocurrency are the hot things right now, it’s not going to last. I know some of you will think, “This time is different, this time is different.” That’s what medical marijuana stock people said. That’s what weed stock people said. That’s what oil stock people said. That’s what gold stock people said. That’s what police equipment stock people said. That’s what every single boom in the past few years has said, this time is different, and it never is.

So you have to get used to understanding that there are going to be manias, there are going to be bubbles. Bitcoin and cryptocurrency, good job, you guys are a fantastic bubble.

No offense to you guys, I like paying taxes. I like dealing with normal stuff. But your Bitcoin and cryptocurrency related stocks follow the same patterns that I teach all the time.

I’m also going to include a link just below this video for my 35 hour how to make millions guide. That teaches the very patterns that Bitcoin and cryptocurrency are now displaying to a T. It’s scary like these patterns repeat. So everybody who asks me, “What do you think about Bitcoin and cryptocurrency? “Is this the future, is it a scam?”

I don’t want to have a 35% winning ratio. I like my 70% winning ratio, and that’s because I stick with predictable patterns. I stick to what I know, so I’m not going to open an account at some crazy offshore, you know, digital wallet kind of thing.

I’m sorry, I’m old school, that’s who I am. Will I miss the boat on this mania? Yes, I’m okay with that, I know what I’m good at. And just like Warren Buffet is glad to miss stuff that he doesn’t understand, I’m happy to miss stuff that I don’t understand.

And mind you, I am still profiting hugely, hugely off Bitcoin and cryptocurrency with the stuff that I know, the stock patterns that I know. They come to me, and I don’t have to go out to anybody else. I have more than enough money, and I have more than enough plays.

Almost every single day I’m overwhelmed. So some people will say, “Tim, go expand your business, get into this.” I don’t want to; I’m already rich enough, I’m already busy enough. The cool thing is once you’re rich you get to choose what you want to do with your life.

So when you ask me what do you think about cryptocurrency and Bitcoin, I’ll tell you what I think in terms of stock trading, and in terms of what I do know because that’s what I’m an expert in.

That’s where I’ve made my money, that’s where I’ll continue making my money more times than not. I’m not always right 100% of the time; as I said, I’m right about 70, 75% of the time.

There’s a great movie called The Godfather, where he thought that he was going to be legitimate in five years. He said this, he’s like, “In five years, the Corleone family “is gonna be completely legitimate.” Never held true to it, and guess what, if you’ve seen Godfather 2 and Godfather 3 it didn’t end too well.

So if you are in Bitcoin and cryptocurrency, I say enjoy the profits, but also don’t be afraid to take some off the table and try to go legitimate, okay? You want to have a bright future; you don’t want to deal in sketchy industries forever.

Leave a comment, let me know your thoughts, this should be interesting.

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