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Disclaimer: The link above is an affiliate link which means that I may receive a small commission if you sign up through my link. It’s small commissions like these that allow me to continue to make videos lke this one. Thanks!
In this video we discuss whether or not mining for bitcoin using USB devices can be profitable. The price of bitcoin is now upwards of $8,000. I want to hear your opinion on bitcoin! Do you think the coin is in a bubble or will it continue to reach record highs on a weekly basis?
Since filming this video Bitcoin has risen nearly $9,000! With that being said, the numbers mentioned in this video are still relevant.
Do you think Bitcoin is headed for $100,000 or do you think it’s going down to $1,000?
You will also be able to buy bitcoin futures contracts beginning December 18th!
Thanks for watching, let me know if you have any questions
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