$5.00 ELECTRONEUM ETN Coming Up.Here Is How. Price Prediction 2018

$5.00 ELECTRONEUM ETN Coming Up.Here Is How. Price Prediction 2018

Electroneum ETN, another micro transaction token for mobile phones. The mobile phone industry continues to grow at a fast rate, and this is going to be key to the Electroneum price in 2018 and beyond.

The smart mobile phone industry is growing at a fast rate, and as handsets get cheaper, developing countries will be in a much better position to utilize the Electroneum token than developed countries.

In my opinion, attracting MNO’s will be the key to electroneum’s success. That being said, having virtual operators in these early days is the best move, however I dont think they had any other option. My Electroneum price prediction 2018 is a reflection is the current partners on board.

Despite some of my critiques in the video, I do believe that Electroneum is going to be successful.

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