ELECTRONEUM IS NOT DYING! Electroneum News Update and ETN Price Analysis 2018

ELECTRONEUM IS NOT DYING! Electroneum News Update and ETN Price Analysis 2018

Electroneum and the entire cryptocurrency market has tanked. This isn’t the first time we’ve seen electroneum etn and other cryptocurrency tank. Be strong and don’t sell all of your cryptocurrency at a loss. Every single time we have faced a crash such as this, we have recovered stronger than ever. You only lose money when you sell at a loss. Electroneum and cryptocurrency is not a get rich quick investment. It is a long term HODL and electroneum still has the power to change the world. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither was cryptocurrency. Don’t give in to the whales and add to the FUD. Be strong HODL on and hope for the best for electroneum and cryptocurrency as a whole. I appreciate every single one of you for watching my cryptocurrency content and supporting me.

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DISCLAIMER: I am not a financial adviser. This is just a discussion revolving around cryptocurrency and electroneum (ETN). Always do your own research before making any type of investment. Cryptocurrency is a highly volatile market, Lit Crypto is not responsible for any loss you may face.

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