The Cryptodad shows you how to provide access to your crypto currency accounts for your loved ones in case of emergency. This section covers specific instructions for cryptocurrency exchange account access. I have provided the sample document below:
Social Media links!
Twitter: https://twitter.com/The_CryptoDad
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheCryptoDad
Donate Bitcoin:
Donate Ethereum:
Donate Litecoin:
***************Sample Document*******************
All accounts have two-factor authentication enabled using google Authenticator. You can get it here:
For IOS: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/google-authenticator/id388497605?mt=8
I have provided a link to this guide on setting it up:
Here is the information you will need to access my email account.
Email account : davidjenkins@gmail.com
Password: 6Yus{dx;452wC
Keep these backup codes somewhere safe but accessible.
1. 2763 948 6. 472 7962
2. 2234 1780 7. 2095 6891
3. 6743 4589 8. 7894 0545
4. 4567 7235 9. 5832 1870
5. 4349 2381 10. 7774 3957
* You can only use each backup code once. * Need more? Visit https://g.co/2sv* These codes were generated on: Mar 13, 2018.
Use the secret 2fa codes below to restore each account to the google Authenticator App
Binance www.binance.com
Username: davidjenkins@gmail.com
Pasword: &yY7d85CC#sui8
2fa backup code: JK97SHUSI8KY92OD
Username: davidjenkins@gmail.com
Password: 9v?XO:28SS9t4Gainh
2fa backup code: sj9dj7t317eusnt5
user ID: davidjenkins@gmail.com
Password: :Bcu95ZZa*sug
2fa secret backup key: MSILENNUSHTCPZAE
*************Sample Document****************
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