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I am increasingly sharing my thoughts with some signals throughout the top 100 cryptocurrencies. Today I share my thoughts on XVG and NEO. With XVG being a “darling” along with TRX of the past month, it is poised to continue to grow in 24hr volume and market cap until the 16th, and could potentially break 500million 24hr volume after whatever big announcement gets rolled out.

NEO has been trending on google all week, and I’ve been seeing it continue to pop up in the breakout category. Having a look at the 24h volume I can clearly see something big developing, as investors (institutional and otherwise) are looking to invest in up and coming projects that have an equal amount of promise and dedication to their craft; blockchain technology.

Verge (XVG) is the real topic that must be talked about today, seperating itself from TRX and NEO and doing better than anyone thought it could or would – the future is brighter than ever right now for XVG, and that bubble might get popped or inflated 5x the size in the coming month. Turbulent time for XVG, and we’re here every day with market analysis and sentiment discussion.

Keep in mind I am not a financial advisor and this is not financial advice. I am giving my honest opinion on the markets of TRX.

Verge (XVG) is NOT a SCAM, nor is Tron (TRX). Both are uniquely developing their own assets via social media with an incredibly large number of dedicated (and educated) followers. They are paving the way for Blockchain Technology and what each asset is capable of has yet to be seen.

Stay tuned for ongoing developments in XVG, TRX, as well as other top performing assets like ONT, XLM, XRB, and more!

FUD is rampant, and “Crypto is Dead” is on the tongues of those ill-informed.

I am bullish on Blockchain Technology and Bitcoin (BTC), and understand its a long process of educating the general public of the outright ludicrous potential for societies around the world to become a more efficient and less wasteful society, while ensuring transparency among incredibly important topics that currently are corrupted behind closed doors.

I give you all a bit of perspective of where Bitcoin (BTC) has come from, and where it is likely going. FOMO still reigns supreme!

Tron (TRX) has launched its Test Net and saw a steep plummet shortly thereafter. It’s not entirely unexpected given the market cap of cryptocurrency, but coins like POA Network (POA) seem to do so well when the rest of the markets are not. It’s because of the promising future and use cases for POA Network (POA). Binance has recently listed it, along with Nucleus Vision (NCASH – another coin we’ve featured).

POA Network (POA) on the 3m chart is completing a cup and handle formation right now, and is looking to begin a parabolic curve move that would take POA Network (POA) to the moon.

Watch closely as we continue to cover the developments of this exciting net Ethereum-based platform that drives the cost of transactions into the ground to never before seen levels.

Please do all your own research. Make wise investment choices.

Stay tuned as we continue to cover the rise and fall of the cryptocurrency market capitalization as well as the price of Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), and altcoins such as ONT, TRX, XVG, and NCASH!

I challenge anyone to engage in academic banter and a debate if you will on why you disagree with me. I would also like to hear why you agree, think I’m being too conservative, or think I’m batsh*! crazy.

I do encourage all opinions, and lets start some insightful conversation around these topics.

Stick with us, and watch us grow!

DAILY uploads!

At the end of the day, I will personally be here for the entire duration of 2018 and beyond – bringing you the price of Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), among any other coin/token as well as relevant Cryptocurrency News.

Comment below, join our community, let me know what coins matter most to you so I can provide the information you actually want.

Stay tuned for TONS of new uploads, updates, and whatever you want to see! Comment below and give me some feedback for what you would like to see us do differently, so we can best serve YOU – our viewers.

No, seriously….Thanks for watching! The support here and on twitter has me awestruck some days. I can’t wait for the future of this platform and the cryptocurrency space!

Use coinmarketcap to keep yourself updated on all the coins and tokens! Ethereum might be on the chopping block with regulation coming.

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