Did I finally lose all my $$$ in Cryptocurrency?? Crypto UPDATE

Did I finally lose all my $$$ in Cryptocurrency?? Crypto UPDATE

Hey guys!! Just wanted to give you guys a quick crypto update of what I’ve been up to lately!– I know I haven’t done one in a while and I had alot of messages asking if I lost all my investment yet and quit mining lol No I haven’t, market has been up, and down, up then way down, then up… so slowly but surely I’m still plugging away haha this is a long term investment.

For all you miners out there let me know in the comments down below what you’re currently mining, your thoughts on Ravencoin and if you have any news on any new and upcoming coins!

Thank you to this week’s Patrons!:

Timothy: (YouTube) TimDisturbed

Support Me on Patreon! : https://www.patreon.com/lauralegends


Follow Me on Social Media:

Instagram: @lauralegends
SnapChat: LauraLegends

Toy Swaps/Pen Pals:

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Nanaimo, B.C.
V9T 6N4



Music: www.bensound.com

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