Proof of Bitconnect: http://Linkbreaker.com/ProofofBitconnect
Proof of Craig Grant: http://linkbreaker.com/ProofofCraig
Proof of Community: https://discord.gg/dqvetaJ
Poohcoin – http://linkbreaker.com/Pooh
Proof of Community: http://Linkbreaker.com/PoCommunity
EtherStocks: http://www.etherstocks.net/
22xx: https://discord.gg/SUyJ7wg
Zether: https://discord.gg/2qDnSxX
EthCrash: http://ethcrash.io
Coinpals: http://Linkbreaker.com/Coinpals
Arbitraging: https://www.arbitraging.co/platform/register/affiliate/MTaCS1Lp
Follow Me On Dtube: http://Linkbreaker.com/JoinDCU
Zethr: https://www.zethr.io/
Quazr: https://quazr.io/giza
Pyro: http://pyrospin.to/
(These are all GAMES, not investments)
EtherLink: http://Linkbreaker.com/Lendconnect
OneMillionPixles: https://ompx.io/
Will still do mini-updates on Discord: https://discord.gg/3Gsv4yd
My NEW CHANNEL FOR HYIP’s: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdNm…
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All donations to this wallet will go toward helping the kids at my school (School Supplies, Field Trips, Visitors, Expo Markers, Etc.)
BTC Donation Wallet: 3CZq95qwQUJcMkJqT8mRGfkqQmg8gy6Env
Let me know what you want to see more or less of. Love to hear feedback. Feel free to ask me anything in the comments. Would love to help you out if you are new to the whole Cryptoworld and want to avoid the common mistakes.
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