Warren Buffet already invested in Ripple XRP. Apollo news CDE. Neo GAS . CKJ Crypto live stream

Warren Buffet already invested in Ripple XRP. Apollo news CDE. Neo GAS . CKJ Crypto live stream

Warren Buffet already invested in Ripple XRP. Apollo news CDE. Neo GAS . CKJ Crypto live stream .
Apollo CDE Ripple XRP Red Pulse RPX . Ethereum (ETH), the second largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization, is facing scrutiny from American regulators this month.Warren Buffett is invested directly in a number of financial institutions. From Bank of America to Wells Fargo, these long-term holds make up a sizable portion of the latest traded stocks in his portfolio. And while Bank of America may have recently admitted that cryptocurrencies represent a threat to their business model (amazing considering these coins don’t produce anything /sarc) others on his list are experimenting with crypto-systems as a way of reinventing payments.
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