Why Electroneum will succeed (Read the Description!)

Why Electroneum will succeed (Read the Description!)

To show that Electroneum has the best route to mass adoption.
Key points that multi-millionaire Grant Cardone makes about how to make cryptocurrency successful:

1. 0:00 – 0:12 Simple, real, and easy to use – no other cryptocurrency will be able to copy the mobile miner after the patent is filed. The mobile miner is a one-tap access point to free cryptocurrency. It is very intuitive to send and receive coins using the mobile app’s GUI and will have real implementations in the future by allowing users to pay for goods and services such as their mobile phone bills.

0:15 – 0:20 Why don’t they give everybody 1 BTC to start with? Because they’re worth several thousand dollars each. The supply is far too finite. Theoretically everyone in the would could have only 2-3 ETN, so the scarcity remains without making the coins unaffordable.

0:22 – 1:00 Satoshis??? 0.00000000…??? Who has time for all of that? Certainly not the average Joe on the street. Electroneum only supports two decimal places, you know, like every other currency in existence. There is no learning curve, it the same thing that we’ve all been learning since we were 5.

0:44 – 1:11 This is the power of the mobile miner. This is pure psychology happening here. The mobile miner builds confidence because now the users finally own cryptocurrency, without having to invest their hard-earned money into it first. Once they see how user-friendly it is, they will want more. I have already witnessed this first hand with everyone I have convinced to download the Electroneum app. They all have purchased and want more Electroneum.

1:11 – 1:56 Nobody cares about your decentralized lightning masternode dynamic smart contracts with expanded block size hocus pocus. What gets people interested is owning the currency. It becomes like a drug addiction almost; the addiction to the ease of use. They will keep coming back for more. “Definitely, there is too much technology, tech people, and too little marketing and sales people.” Couldn’t have said it better myself Ivan.

Original interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rZ8EDUkPuqw

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