What’s going on my broskiis?
Unit Overview: 0:46
Shooter Variation: 2:39
Slasher Variation: 5:24
Fighter Variation: 8:00
0-Stamina Challenge: 10:28
0 Stamina Challenge Difficulty (Neo Killer)
Video by ‘raccoon TV’: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3pnFZ3K9AJ4
Stage 1:
– Activate 2x Elizabello Specials and leave the Pirate alive.
– Stall until 1 turn has passed following the Elizabello max.
– Activate Magellan.
Stage 2:
– Actiavte Whitebeard, then 1x Elizabello special.
– Stall until 16 turns have passed following the Elizabello max.
– Activate Magellan.
Stage 3:
– Activate Whitebeard, then 2x Elizabello specials.
Stage 4:
– Activate Nami special on Blueno first attack.
– Stall until 5 turns have passed following the Elizabello max.
– Activate Magellan.
Stage 5:
– Activate 1x Elizabello special.
Stage 6:
– Actiavte Whitebeard, then 1x Elizabello special.
– Activate Magellan when stage 2 is active.
Stage 7:
– Activate Magellan when stage 2 is active.
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