Caitlin Long: Bitcoin Can Restore Sound Money & Fix The Financial System?

Caitlin Long: Bitcoin Can Restore Sound Money & Fix The Financial System?

Jason Burack of Wall St for Main St interviewed first time guest, Blockchain/bitcoin enthusiast, pension settlement expert & 22-year Wall Street veteran, Caitlin Long

Caitlin’s extensive full bio is available here:

Caitlin’s Mises Institute presentation: Using Blockchain to Fix Money and Capital Markets

The book Caitlin refers to in this interview and her Mises Institute presentation is: The Bitcoin Standard: The Decentralized Alternative to Central Banking

During this hour plus long interview, Jason asks Caitlin about her background working on Wall St, how she found the Austrian School of Economics and why she likes the Austrian School?

Jason and Caitlin discuss the global macro situation and why the US Dollar has not collapsed and why there has not been hyperinflation in consumer prices in the US yet?

Next, Jason asks Caitlin about when she found Bitcoin and why she likes it?

Caitlin thinks Bitcoin can help restore sound money and also help to fix a corrupt, inefficient and in some cases broken financial system.

To wrap up the interview, Jason asks Caitlin about Fedcoin, a cashless society and how governments and central banks may be working on centralized versions of government issued crypto currency.

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