Civic (CVC)
general on the team
Will Civic be a leader in crypto in coming years?
Will Civic moon this year?
What price will Civic be come end of 2018 ($2-5 dollars?)
Nem (XEM)
general on the team
Will Nem coin be used as a currency in coming years?
When will NEM moon? And what price range?
Siacoin (SC)
general on the team
Will Siacoin be a leader in its field by 2023?
When will NEM moon? And what price range?
Nano (NANO)
general on the team
Will Nano coin be used as a currency by 2023?
When will Nano moon?
What price will Nano by by end of 2018?
Nebulas (NAS)
“general on the team
How strong is Nebulas team?
When will Nebulas moon?
Will Nebulas be around in 2023?
Odyssey (OCN)
“general on the team
Will Odyssey moon in next 4 months?
How strong is Odyssey team?
What price will Odyssey by by end of 2018?
Storm (STORM)
“general on the team
Will Storm’s app be used by the public in coming years
How stron is Storm team
When will Storm moon
What price will Storm end 2018 on?
Bitcoin Cash (BCH)
“general on the team
When will Bitcoin Cash moon?
What price will Bitcoin Cash be by end of 2018?
Will Bitcoin Cash be more successful than Bitcoin long term?
Bitcoin Green (BITG)
general on the team
When will Bitcoin Green moon?
What price will Bitcoin Green be by end of 2018?
When will Bitcoin Green be listed on Binance exchange?
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