Improv: A play by play | Improv on the Verge | TEDxBozeman

Improv: A play by play | Improv on the Verge | TEDxBozeman

Learning the art of Improv can help each of us in our everyday lives. Being a good improviser requires one to pay attention and listen intently, add to the conversation or scene, and to be responsive and open to whatever direction the scene takes. Paige, Molly, and Justin regularly perform and teach improv at the Verge Theater; a community theater which promotes an environment of acceptance and fun for individuals of all ages and abilities. The Verge Theater’s mission is to create off-beat, thought-provoking, heart-inspiring theater and theater education. We strive to provide an experience which is masterful in execution, empowering to children, teens, adults, and evocative of our vibrant local community. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

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