Opposition parties sharpen knives against Chigumba after unearthing ZEC and plot fraud Zanu PF ‘ | Breaking News
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The Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (Zec) faces its sternest test to date as opposition political parties contesting next month’s polls have temporarily shelved their differences to demand a raft of reforms aimed at levelling the electoral playing field currently tilted in favour of Zanu-PF. Zec has spurned demands for electoral reforms that are consistent with the Southern African Development Community guidelines and the African Union’s election template, with its chairperson, Priscilla Chigumba, declaring last week that nothing short of an earthquake could stop the July 30 harmonised polls. Stung by Zec’s arrogance, the major political actors in the opposition are sharpening their knives aga…
#Opposition #parties #sharpen #knives #against #Chigumba #after #unearthing #ZEC #and #plot #fraud #Zanu #PF #Breaking #News #zimnews
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