How to buy cryptocurrency in under two minutes in Keene, NH!

How to buy cryptocurrency in under two minutes in Keene, NH!

Thomas Parisi visits Route 101 Local Goods in Keene, NH to buy some cryptocurrency from a Crypto Vending Machine that sells Bitcoin (BTC) and DASH. Rt. 101’s proprietor, Chris Rietmann gives him a full walkthrough in under two minutes!

Note, Thomas already had a multi-crypto wallet on his phone. If you want a wallet for your phone, I recommend “Edge Wallet” or “Coinomi”.

Please drop into Route 101 Local Goods at 661 Marlboro Rd. in Keene, NH Tuesday through Sunday if you have any cryptocurrency questions, or join our local meetup group at

For a longer, more interview-oriented version of this encounter, please watch the latest episode of Thomas Parisi’s NightSVP, which features Chris talking more about cryptocurrency in general and the soon-to-open Bitcoin Embassy in NH:–QXrM_unQM

Information about other local merchants who accept crypto (there are a bunch!), reasons to accept it at your business, and more can be found at

The CVM in use here is the General Bytes BATMThree. However it is only one of three different CVMs available publicly in Keene, a true Crypto-Mecca!

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