Charles Hoskinson of IOHK gives a quick overview of the Daedalus wallet 0.11.0 and Cardano 1.3 update, after the overview Charles comments on the current state of certain social media platforms.
Get Deadalus wallet https://daedaluswallet.io/
Deadalus 0.11.0 & Cardano 1.3 release notes https://daedaluswallet.io/release-notes/
Cardano is all about actually making the concepts of Bitcoin better.
Written in Haskell, Cardano emphasizes peer review and formal methods as a way to produce high assurance software. Its core protocol is Ouroboros, a provably secure proof-of-stake algorithm for reaching consensus on the next block in the chain.
Eventually, Cardano will compete with platforms like Ethereum and Tezos.
Music: TeknoAXE’s Royalty Free Music: Cavern Starting Area https://youtu.be/1DtfwcfXJss
Suggested: Cardano Q&A: Learning with google & a better version of steemit? https://youtu.be/gCBu93YDdmw
Backwards compatibility – Charles Hoskinson https://youtu.be/dyD6baZnbq4
Cardano Q&A: Consensus & ideology https://youtu.be/CaULMJr-Qww
Paperless letters of credit, escrow and permissionless ledger https://youtu.be/8zirzSRF2bU
Cardano Ouroboros scalability https://youtu.be/IsgvzBWKMhU
What is the motivation & driving force behind Cardano? https://youtu.be/4sAJ9DFwPww
Why did Charles leave Ethereum? https://youtu.be/g_B-eAERsLk
Charles is a well-known figure in the blockchain space. One of the original founders and the initial CEO at Ethereum, he eventually went on to establish IOHK with Jeremy Wood, another Ethereum veteran.
Follow Charles on twitter https://twitter.com/IOHK_Charles
more at: https://iohk.io
Get the latest news updates: https://iohk.io/blog/
Meet the team: https://iohk.io/team/
Learn about iohk projects: https://iohk.io/projects/cardano/
Read iohk papers: http://iohk.link/paper-ouroboros
Visit the iohk library: https://iohk.io/research/library/
In the press: https://iohk.io/press/
Work with iohk: https://iohk.io/careers/
See more on Cardano: https://iohk.io/projects/cardano/
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Background photo by Christina Morillo from Pexels
#Cardano #ADA #Daedalus
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