The Pink Power Ranger has officially joined forces with crypto, Bitconnect mastermind is jailed, is DGB the real BTC, Ontology wallet, TenX cards, Krugma says BTC could replace gold, DENT, crypto news, and more!
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0:14 Markets
1:03 Will BTC replace gold? https://www.forbes.com/sites/investor/2018/07/24/trade-war-will-launch-bitcoin-as-the-new-gold/?utm_source=TWITTER&utm_medium=social&utm_content=1728166567&utm_campaign=sprinklrForbesCrypto#45e40fe41c32
1:20 Krugman like BTC now? https://dailyhodl.com/2018/08/19/crypto-skeptic-paul-krugman-says-bitcoin-btc-has-more-utility-than-gold/
2:22 We need speed: https://bitsonline.com/speed-critical-crypto-succeed/
4:15 Bitconnect is DEAD: https://news.bitcoin.com/india-bitconnect-head-arrested/
4:48 LMAO: https://twitter.com/CryptoIndiaNews/status/1031330514857222144?s=19
5:15 Pink Ranger joins crypto: https://youtu.be/e9Glo4lSF_A
6:20 TenX (PAY) card: https://www.cryptovibes.com/crypto-news/tenx-revealed-final-design-of-its-debit-card-to-spend-your-crypto-anywhere/
7:08 Skynet: https://twitter.com/risc_v/status/1026453143536713729
7:30 DENT ETHScanr App: https://youtu.be/yGks2gMBRFo
7:46 U Network (UUU) Testnet Release: https://medium.com/unetwork/u-network-uuu-testnet-officially-release-677b906c3244
8:33 CoZ NEO Neon Wallet Update: https://neonewstoday.com/development/city-of-zion-coz-release-neon-wallet-0-2-7/
8:54 Ontology (ONT) Wallet: https://medium.com/ontologynetwork/owallet-version-0-8-3-0-8-4-update-notice-47c59a74ac39
9:35 ? Elastos (ELA) BIt.game (BGX) airdrop!: https://twitter.com/Elastos_org/status/1027390235490103296
10:07 APEX (CPX) Crypto Zombie AMA: https://medium.com/apex-network/crypto-zombie-interview-with-jimmy-hu-transcript-f6d1735e06cd
10:50 Vitalik Ethereum (ETH) proposal: https://www.trustnodes.com/2018/08/19/vitalik-buterin-proposes-fixed-fees-can-act-block-reward
12:50 Roger Ver Tweet: https://twitter.com/rogerkver/status/1031215462678331393
13:33 Josiah DigiByte (DGB) response: https://twitter.com/dgb_chilling/status/1031260168296652801
14:32 Edge Wallet welcomes DigiByte: https://edge.app/blog/edge-welcomes-tether-digibyte-vertcoin-and-bitcoin-gold-to-v1-3-0/
15:01 What manipulation looks like: https://steemit.com/bitcoin/@techwizardry/some-whale-on-bitfinex-just-tried-to-break-the-price-lower-with-a-big-margin-short-and-failed
15:46 Crypto News: Regulations, crimes, disclosure…
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DISCLAIMER: I am not a financial advisor. This is not financial advice. This is just my opinion. Always do your own research before investing. I am not responsible for your trades…
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