Top 3 cryptocurrency books reviewed:  CryptoAssets, Bitcoin Standard, Spider & Starfish book reviews

Top 3 cryptocurrency books reviewed: CryptoAssets, Bitcoin Standard, Spider & Starfish book reviews

Top 3 cryptocurrency books reviewed: CryptoAssets, Bitcoin Standard, Spider & Starfish book reviews

**CryptoAssets by Chris Burniske and Jack Tatar
Fundamental Analysis and Valuation Framework
-How token velocity effects valuation, How to evaluate issuance models
Operating Health of CryptoAsset Networks
-Hashrate, Miners, Decentralization, Development pace and quality, Adoption rate
Users, Transactions, Value of transactions

***The Bitcoin Standard by Saifedean Ammous
History of Money: From Shells, beads, necklace, crops, metals to Silver vs Gold in Final Battle Royal to our current system to eventually a Bitcoin Standard.
As adoption grows, incentive to increase supply also grows. Sudden changes in supply disrupts signals to producers, and the economy dysfunctions.
“Economic logic clearly shows how recessions are the inevitable outcome of interest rate manipulation in the same way shortages are the inevitable outcome of price ceilings.”

***The Starfish and the Spider by Ori Brafman
Many examples of decentralized systems: Starfish, Wikipedia, and Democracy
Written in 2006, this book sounds prophetic regarding bitcoin.
When attacked, decentralized systems become more decentralized and harder to stop.
Authorities gain control of a decentralized system by centralizing it.

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