DigiByte: the Power of Decentralisation

DigiByte: the Power of Decentralisation

MUST WATCH: Founder of DigiByte Jared Tate (DigiMan) speaks to PR Crypto Guru Stefania Barbaglio about his vision for DGB. Cybersecurity, speed, and decentralisation are the three key elements of DigiByte. Launched in 2014 without an ICO or pre-mining, it has since been growing organically creating one of the largest and most active online communities. DGB boasts the longest blockchain, much faster than bitcoin and its cross-compatibility and scalability with any other blockchains, give it great potential to become the cryptocurrency for global payments. However, it is not meant to be a payment coin, as DigiMan’s vision is much more significant: make DGB a global highly secure and user-friendly cryptocurrency that can assist different internet and online applications. The beauty is all in the power of decentralisation.

Look forward to DigiMan’s new book: Blockchain 2035!

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