Set up a Safex Blockchain node without compiling in Ubuntu 18 (Non-Mining)

Set up a Safex Blockchain node without compiling in Ubuntu 18 (Non-Mining)

This video will show you how to set up and run a simple Safex Blockchain node. This is NOT how to mine Safex Cash.

By running a Safex Blockchain node you are supporting the blockchain network, supporting future growth and stability.

Register with Vultr here:
Pre-compiled Daemon:

Commands used:

adduser [set a username]
usermod -aG sudo [username]
sudo su – [username]
sudo apt install libnorm1 libpcsclite1
wget [paste current link to latest build]
(this will change from time to time, check released page link above for latest version).
chmod -R 755 safexd

To run the blockchain: ./safexd
To run the blockchain in background: ./safexd –detach

**To use SCREEN**
Create a new SCREEN session: screen -S blockchain
Execute the Safex daemon via ./safexd
To detach the SCREEN: CTRL A+D
To reattach the SCREEN: screen -R blockchain

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