DigiByte #DGB – V-ID partnership – Cyber Security Adoption – More Exchange Listings

DigiByte #DGB – V-ID partnership – Cyber Security Adoption – More Exchange Listings

In today’s video we cover three articles around the world’s most secure #blockchain project, #DigiByte #DGB. In the first article coming out of the Crypto Recorder we detail the growing need for an online security solution. In an interview between the BBC and the CEO of SonicWall, we learn that cyber attacks have increase by over 800 million. These attacks are costing companies and individuals millions of dollars annually, and will continue to increase as more and more devices are connected to the internet. This is a problem that can easily be solved by DigiByte. The article details three reasons why DigiByte stands ready for mass adoption into the market.

1) increased threat of identity theft – The Digi-ID solution will solve this issue by eliminating the need to use usernames and passwords. Giving a potential hacker no usable information.

2) low cost – Companies are spending millions every year for cyber security. Implementing the Digi-ID solution is free. This will allow companies to spend their money elsewhere.

3) Competition – Once Digi-ID is widely used, and becomes the standard in online security, companies will adopt the technology to stay competitive with their competition.

In the second article we cover a new partnership between V-ID and DigiByte. The article, from the CryptoDaily, sheds some light on to the new ICO V-ID. V-ID will use DigiBytes blockchain to upload a file, the V-ID technology will remember the details of the original file, and will alert the consumer if any changes or alterations of the original file have been made. The use cases of this technology are vast, and their partnership with DGB looks to be very promising.
In the last article we cover some recent exchanges DGB has been listed on. While the exchanges are not major (i.e coinbase or Binance) they are a welcome sign as DGB continues to gain access across the world. The article, from the Crypto Globalist, does a great job of explaining that even though these are not large exchanges, if DGB can continue to spread across a vast number of small exchanges, it will have the same impact as a big listing. An increase in Fiat/DGB pairings will also distance DGB from the wild price swings of BTC, and make DGB more stable.

SHOUT OUT: Faze Crypto, Cryptocurrency Youtuber, Decentralized tv, DustyBC, CryptoCurrently






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