Switcheo’s Bombs: Deadline Missed Again! Leaving $NEO to build own chain ??

Switcheo’s Bombs: Deadline Missed Again! Leaving $NEO to build own chain ??

#Switcheo Exchange released their latest weekly update on Friday September 21st 2018, and man was it full of bombs… but not at the surface, one has to look deeper and check into the footnotes to see what is really going on. After clicking on the secondary article written by CEO Ivan Poon, we discover a lot of very interesting news. Why wasn’t all this front and center? First, they will once again be missing their deadline to launch both the QTUM and #Ethereum platforms… which was originally supposed to begin with QTUM launching at the end of Q2 (July 1st) and Ethereum just a few weeks later. Then, they also imply in this article that they will join others who are leaving Neo to build their own blockchain… which begs lots of questions.

Twitter: @Bluecollarcryp

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This video is my own opinion, not financial advice. I am not a financial advisor and I am not responsible for your investments.

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