In today’s video CryptoCurrently provides an update on #IOTA #MIOTA and their recent collaboration with High Mobility.
High Mobility is an award winning API platform that aims to bridge the gap between car manufactures and application developers around the world. Their agreement with IOTA will allow for the creation of applications to be built on the IOTA #Tangle network.
Since High Mobility utilizes standardized API, a developer can create one application that is compatible with multiple manufactures.
Next we take a look at the possibility of IOTA replacing ICOs with ISO.
The ICO market has seen an explosion over the last year, and with little to no regulation in place, has become a playground for scams and pump and dump schemes.
Once the SEC and other countries set forth rules and regulations, many of these projects will fall into the category of securities.
This is where IOTA comes in with the ISO. This will allow new projects to be created on the IOTA DLT, instead of launching their own crypto, these projects will be funded through donations of the MIOTA currency. This acts as kind of a loop hole through the ICO rules and regulations set to be released in the coming months. This system will also act in similar manor to kickstarter and other crowd funding platforms.
SHOUT OUT: Cryptocurrency Youtuber, Faze Crypto, Decentralized tv, DustBC, CryptoCurrently
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