4.5KH/s GPU&CPU Monero(XMR) Mining 50% Profitability [Gaming, Entertainment, Productivity Setup]

4.5KH/s GPU&CPU Monero(XMR) Mining 50% Profitability [Gaming, Entertainment, Productivity Setup]

In this video I show my desk setup and talk about my small monero mining farm. I also show my Xbox and triple monitor display. Where I create and edit all of my videos.

-edit- Ever since the Monero Hard Fork for v8 my earnings have doubled.

I also bio modded both 580s to go from ~600 to ~850 h/s per GPU

All values are approximate

580s: 800-900×2
ryzen: 500

570: 800
560: 450
FX 8320: 350

1060: 500
FX 8320: 350

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