Where to buy Ripple XRP

Where to buy Ripple XRP

You are welcome to come join us over at: https://moocharoo.ninja
Plus if you want to sign up to either of both of these two exchanges mentioned in the video then here are the links:
Binance: https://www.binance.com/?ref=36180450 — 0.1% exchange fees

Cobinhood: https://cobinhood.com?referrerId=52d6f34d-efe4-4d12-9918-63bbed8b104b — zero exchange fees

The links above a clearly referral links, yep thats right. If you use them I may get a few pennies to buy a beer! maybe…

I had never really asked the question of where to buy Ripple XRP before beginning the research for the auto trading software.

I would usually just buy XRP on etoro or hitBTC, never taking the time to check the exchange fees “the spread”.

Checking the cost of trading Ripple XRP is of top importance if you plan to trade on a regular basis, however is you only intend to buy and HODL XRP (as I was before on etoro) then it does not matter quite so much.

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