Ku ada (Cover) By Andy Ambarita

Ku ada (Cover) By Andy Ambarita

Yay Finally I get to cover this song “I am here” or “Ku ada”!!. This song is a special song for myself and Acha. Some of you might not know this but during our skype dates together during our dreadful LDR days we would sing this song together before we’d pray, also we sung this song at our wedding in Bali, when we bought our first car (Golfy) and also when we first moved into our very first apartment, to name a few.

Ku ada is quite a simple song, but its simplicity is what makes it so meaningful. Ultimately the origin of this comes from a place of Gratitude, and what a fitting time of the year to reflect on the goodness and grace of our Lord as He has brought us through 2018!

Saya mengajak saudara untuk mari awali tahun ini dengan bersyukur. Mari ingat semua kebaikan Tuhan di sepanjang tahun 2018 untuk setiap proses dan masalah, setiap air mata dari pergumulan ataupun luapan kebahagiaan. semua bisa kita lewati bukan karena kekuatan kita, namun karena kasih dan anugerahNya.

Hey, looking forward in 2019 lets put a downpayment of praise and thank Him in advance for what amazing things God is going to do in your life today. I’ve written the lyrics onto this video hoping that you will sing with me and give Him thanks for what He has done, is doing and will do in our future.

Lets kick off the first Sunday of 2019 with a heart of gratitude AMEN?


I am here (Ku ada) – Welyar Kauntu @WelyarKauntu

Andy & Acha

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