Apple iOS Cloud Mining Preview Electroneum

Apple iOS Cloud Mining Preview Electroneum

Apple iOS coming soon! Ive been a beta tester, and can’t wait for this to go live very soon, but I’ve still been mining about 10 ETNs every 2 days for FREE on an old Samsung Galaxy Ace 4. Check out this fantastic NEW video with CEO Richard Ells where you can find out the exciting iOS updates, and see Richard demonstrate how Cloud Mining will work and the new features to look forward to, like the new verification method, where you have to take a selfie whilst doing a gesture.

With cloud mining we can then be put onto the Apple Store, so keep an eye on the app store!

I Love Electroneum (ETN) and Electroneum Mobile Mining, this is going to go viral all around the World!

Connect with me for more details and to set up your Electroneum wallet. I can also help you in purchasing Electroneum and creating your secure off-line paper wallet

Barry Light

Email: [email protected]



Skype: barryjlight

Twitter: @tbcryptogroup

Zoom ID: 8990135084

Mobile: +44 (0) 7818 035748

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