The interim EOS Constitution: https://github.com/EOS-Mainnet/governance/blob/master/eosio.system/eosio.system-clause-constitution-rc.md#article-ix—dispute-resolution
The Cooperative Voting Infrastructure Bounties initiative: https://medium.com/@eos42/cooperative-voting-infrastructure-bounties-19c6f39cf57d
EOSVIBES Proposal for an incremental Constitution: https://steemit.com/eos/@eosvibes/proposal-for-an-incremental-constitution-and-for-ecaf-to-be-removed-from-being-the-sole-protocol-layer-arbitrator-on-eos
Please consider proxying your vote to: eosvibesvote.
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EOS Referendum Proposals: https://eosauthority.com/polls?&lnc=en
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