EOS needs a new Constitution + Proxy voter activism

EOS needs a new Constitution + Proxy voter activism

The interim EOS Constitution: https://github.com/EOS-Mainnet/governance/blob/master/eosio.system/eosio.system-clause-constitution-rc.md#article-ix—dispute-resolution

The Cooperative Voting Infrastructure Bounties initiative: https://medium.com/@eos42/cooperative-voting-infrastructure-bounties-19c6f39cf57d

EOSVIBES Proposal for an incremental Constitution: https://steemit.com/eos/@eosvibes/proposal-for-an-incremental-constitution-and-for-ecaf-to-be-removed-from-being-the-sole-protocol-layer-arbitrator-on-eos

Please consider proxying your vote to: eosvibesvote.
By proxying your vote to eosvibesvote, your EOS account will be registered as having voted for the same 30 block producers as eosvibesvote (N.B. The power of your vote decreases over time so you will need to re-vote every month in order for your vote to maintain its full power).

EOS Referendum Proposals: https://eosauthority.com/polls?&lnc=en

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