Harm van den Brink and Ton Smets of ElaadNL and Enexis presented a Proof of concept of an autonomously self balancing electricity grid on the IOTA meet up in Amsterdam, januari 10th 2019. These experts show how a smart grid could autonomously balance itself, by sharing data in a secure way via IOTA technology and letting devices decide if they want to help balance or not. If they do so, for example by charging electric cars at less speed or at a later time, they’ll get a small fee in return. This is all done by the system itself, there is no human interaction needed to run the system.
Also watch our animation video ‘Introducing IOTA in Smart Charging’ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=81rXoSRIRSA&t=4s and World’s first IOTA Charging Station by ElaadNL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ymbbM3WfPQc
Please join us in further exploration of these topics. You can find the code and our blogpost about the project in the comments below.
Further introduction by Jan-Peter Doomernik:
A functioning open source poc and blue print on Gartner’s vison of a machine2machine economy? Voila The self balancing Grid!
On january 10th Harm van den Brink and Ton Smets (ElaadNL/Enexis Groep) presented step 3 of their Exploration of the Machine to Machine Ecosystem: The self balancing Grid. The presentation was given on the Dutch IOTA Meetup in Amsterdam, powered by the IOTA Foundation and friends.They shared amazing progress in building tangle based Machine to Machine ecosystems during this meetup.
They earlier realized:
Step 1) An autonomous machine ( a backendless EV charging station)
Watch this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4_Jwn1yljyU&t=1023s&list=PLCuC2Qo091T3f76ldcZr5gcxPbeN7Ll6v&index=6
Github: http://github.com/HarmElaadNL/IOTAChargeStation
Step 2) Machine to Machine Interaction if only one of the machines is connected to the internet (connecting car and charging station using the structure of ISO 15118)
Watch this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PCNXXtX-HjU&t=0s&list=PLCuC2Qo091T0tfTfufSOQxTAUbxgFd0zm&index=3
Github: http://github.com/HarmElaadNL/IOTAChargeStation
On Jan 10th they presented the next evolutionary step!
Step 3) Machine to Machine Ecosystem (using cars and poles to balance the Grid) (this video)
Github: https://github.com/tonsmets/SelfbalancingGrid
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