Is Cryptocurrency / Bitcoin mining still profitable in 2019? With the recent launch of two new highly profitable coins, yes it sure is but just how much? http://voskco.in/Sub
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Nvidia GPUs for mining – http://geni.us/lUtF
AMD GPUs for mining – http://geni.us/2TOem
ASIC miners for mining – http://geni.us/zB09W
There are several main types of cryptocurrency mining, and within these main types, mining is broken down even further with multiple mineable cryptocurrencies. These main types would include GPU and ASIC mining along with less popular but still (sometimes) profitable FPGA, CPU, and HDD mining. Depending on how powerful and exclusive the FPGA bitstream for mining you are using the profits can be simply insane. In this video I will illustrate the most profitable coins to mine with AMD and NVIDIA GPUs along with ASIC miners and touch on FPGA, CPU, and HDD mining!
Watch our solo miner @ Equihub – http://voskco.in/XSGs
Timestamps to navigate this video below!
00:00 Mining profitability in 2019 intro
01:07 Two main types of crypto mining are GPU & ASIC miners
01:21 Miss Vosk cameo
01:30 Bitcoin ASIC mining
02:40 Mining profitability of GPUs (AMD+Nvidia) in 2019
04:30 Free advice on building mining rigs in 2019
05:12 Mining profitability with average AMD mining rig
06:38 Nvidia GPU mining profitability in 2019
07:40 Zclassic forking back to GPU mining w/ new team
08:24 CoinToMine GPU mining profit calculator AMD & NVIDIA
09:53 What are the best mining strategies 2019
11:06 Grincoin mining profitability and profits calculator
11:33 Beam coin mining profitability and profits calc.
12:05 VoskCoin best source of crypto mining guides
12:50 Beam and Grin most profitable coins to mine in 2019
13:57 Solo mining vs pool mining Sponsored by Equihub.pro
16:57 ASIC mining profitability in 2019
21:18 Bitmain new 7nm mining chips sha256 BTC miner
22:28 Obelisk SC1 and Spondoolies SPx36 most profitable miners
23:21 FPGA mining and issues with Acorns from SQRL
23:40 Hard drive mining / HDD mining w/ HD space
24:02 CPU mining difficulties with GPUs and FPGAs
24:29 FPGA miners need bitstreams to be profitable 2019
24:45 Final thoughts on crypto mining in 2019 profitability
26:32 I’ll be hodling you!
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VoskCoin is for entertainment purposes only and is never intended to be financial investment advice. VoskCoin owns or has owned cryptocurrency and associated hardware. VoskCoin may receive donations or sponsorships in association with certain content creation. VoskCoin may receive compensation when affiliate/referral links are used. VoskCoin is home of the Doge Dad, VoskCoin is not your Dad, and thus VoskCoin is never liable for any decisions you make.
Super Troopers footage used from w/ copyright fair use act and cc 3.0 – http://voskco.in/If3w
Hunger Games footage used from w/ copyright fair use act and cc 3.0 – http://voskco.in/qCQ4
FPGA mining rig footage used from w/ cc 3.0 – http://voskco.in/KmTq
Track: Unknown Brain & Spce CadeX – Holding You (feat. Max Landry) [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.
Watch: https://youtu.be/Nn2aXfUkJsc
Free Download / Stream: http://ncs.io/HoldingYouYO
#Mining #Bitcoin #VoskCoin #GPUMining #ASICmining
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