Galia of Bancor and I discuss EOS, Tron, monetary freedom, token economies, Kenya, and much more. LINKS for more INFO
Tribute to Bernard Lietaer: https://medium.com/@galiabenartzi/bernard-lietaer-a-financial-justice-warrior-who-fought-for-freedom-of-currency-25123ca599dd
Bernard’s site: http://lietaer.com
Grassroots Economics info: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2018-10-31/closing-the-cash-gap-with-cryptocurrency
To date, five village-level tokens (each integrated with the Bancor Protocol) have been launched in the following communities:
Nairobi Area – Kawangware, Kibera and Kangemi
Coastal Area – Bangladesh and Kwa Ng’ombe
We’re at the early stages of rolling out the Bancor Wallet to these communities, allowing businesses and community members to transact in these tokens. We’re at about 1000 wallets now, and growing by about 100 wallets per week. Users are able to transact from non-smartphones without needing Internet access (more info: https://www.grassrootseconomics.org/single-post/2018/12/03/Blockchain-without-Internet & https://blog.bancor.network/bancor-progress-update-december-2018-e055ce9de209)
Galia and Will Ruddick (Grassroots’ co-founder) recently presented Sarafu at the United Nations’ session on Blockchain for Sustainable Development, where they also shared the pilot’s 2019 impact goals:
Launch Liquid Community Currencies in 40 new communities across Kenya & Uganda.
Activate wallets for 100,000 business owners across communities with over 400,000 total people.
Facilitate over $5.5 million in community-level volume to help close the gap for key Sustainable Development Goals.
More info in Bancor’s November progress update, including visualization of live transactions grouped by product/service category (rent, food, etc.): https://blog.bancor.network/bancor-progress-update-november-2018-858676fbe666
A few more links you may find interesting:
Trading the first tomatoes on the blockchain: https://blog.bancor.network/trading-the-first-tomatoes-on-blockchain-92372dd105bc
Village market simulation w/ Bancor Protocol: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_559D4yxONo
Interview with Will Ruddick: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PfEW2atiB4s
Bancor’s vision for community currencies: https://blog.bancor.network/the-community-of-the-currency-9770087fde17
Paper by Bernard Lietaer (co-creator of the euro & BProtocol Foundation President) on Unconditional Income Tokens based on Bancor Protocol: https://issuu.com/exopolitika/docs/bernard_lietaer_-_bancor_protocol_f
LiquidApps announcement: https://medium.com/@liquidapps/the-dapp-network-launching-next-week-33a01760f852
Galia on TED – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ft8dSvdH2ek
Bancor – https://www.bancor.network/
Disclosure: This is an unpaid interview for a project that was deemed worthy of research time, recording and posting for educational purposes. Furthermore, I do not hold any Bancor tokens.
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