Electroneum: How can the unbanked buy Electroneum? ATM?

Electroneum: How can the unbanked buy Electroneum? ATM?

So in this video I brainstorm as to how the unbanked and anyone for that matter can buy ETN without nessecarily going thru an exchange or a bank. Is it possible to have Electroneum ATM machines? Can Electroneum set up a payment system that allows people to buy ETN on the APP or the website without going thru an exchange or bank? I also give some health tips and other tips to keep you & your family healthy, wealthy and safe. Here is the link to the best Shungite in the world from Russia: https://store.shungite.com/?aff_id=6448
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Here is the link for Earthinghttps://www.groundology.co.uk/?a=glmz

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