Futurist Keynote Speaker Gerd Leonhard Keynote Swisscom IoT Digitalk: was bringt die Zukunft?

Futurist Keynote Speaker Gerd Leonhard Keynote Swisscom IoT Digitalk: was bringt die Zukunft?

This keynote and video is in GERMAN language. Meine Keynote am 2019 Swisscom IoT Day in Zürich. Themen: Das Internet der Dinge, digitale Ethik, Mensch und Maschine… die nächsten 10 Jahre.

Download der Slides bei https://gerd.fm/2XUMOzx
Vielen Dank an die Swisscom!

Gerd Leonhard Futurist, Author and Keynote Speaker
Zürich / Switzerland

CEO http://www.thefuturesagency.com

Please note: 1) audio-only versions of many videos are being made available via SoundCloud https://soundcloud.com/gleonhard/tracks
2) Most of my films, keynotes. presentations and slideshows can be downloaded via http://www.gerdcloud.net

All re-use is subject to creative commons attribution / non-commercial license

If you enjoy my videos and talks, please take a look at my recent book “Technology vs Humanity” http://www.techvshuman.com or buy it via Amazon http://gerd.fm/globalTVHamazon – the book is available in English, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Korean and French (and more to come soon)

Twitter: @gleonhard

Booking inquiries: https://www.futuristgerd.com/booking-inquiry/

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