(EosApologistHuman) EOS IO could hold the key to global stability.

(EosApologistHuman) EOS IO could hold the key to global stability.

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(Read by EOS Apologist and Cormacbren)
EOS IO could hold the key to global stability.
I’m sure it will come as no surprise to anyone that has watched a news report or read any news articles about the global economy. When I say that the global economy is transitioning, and the final outcome of which remains unclear, the world economy is becoming less sustainable day by day, in large part to do with insolvent government budgetary policy, combined with trade wars, and global automation of jobs. This article will be focused on how the rise of automation, is creating a new dynamic within the various industries of the world, and how the EOS IO ecosphere may hold the solution too many of these future problems.

Thank you very much for your time, the next video hosted by EOS Apologist Human, will be scheduled for release on April 12th, if you have any comments please leave them below in the commentary area, and if you like this video please be sure to give it an like, and if you really like it please subscribe and hit the notification button. Till next time, take care.

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